Cory Helps Kids Cope With Divorce: Playful Therapeutic Activities for — ChildTherapyToys

Cory Helps Kids Cope With Divorce: Playful Therapeutic Activities for Young Children

Product Number : 109901600

  • Suitable for children 4 to 8
  • Includes a reproducible story, activities, and detailed parent handouts
  • Use therapeutic games, art, and other playful activities to help children feel comfortable

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This book is part of the CORY series to help children cope with challenging issues. The first in the series presents engaging activities to help very young clients cope with divorce. Cory, the central character in the story, helps children gradually confront and process their feelings and reactions related to the divorce.

Therapeutic games, art, and other playful activities are incorporated to lower the threat level of therapy and engage children in treatment. Includes a reproducible story, activities, and detailed parent handouts. Geared to children aged 4 to 8.

About the author:
Liana Lowenstein is the founder of Champion Press Publishing Company. She is a sought-after speaker and practitioner with over 25 years of specialized work with children, adolescents and families. She has authored or edited numerous highly acclaimed books, including Creative Interventions for Troubled Children & Youth, Creative Interventions for Children of Divorce, and Creative Interventions for Bereaved Children.

Softcover, 128 pages

This volume is a great contribution to the library of therapists who work with very young children of divorce. It provides imaginative, engaging activities for children and includes parents on the therapeutic path with specific tips and handouts. Inventive and unique!
--Dr. Helen Radovanovic, C. Psych.
Registered Psychologist in Private Practice

This manual offers creative, play-based techniques for working with young children coping with divorce. I have used many of the interventions myself and have found them to be exciting and illuminating for these young children.
--Laurie Stein, LLB, MSW, RSW
Connections Child and Family Counselling

The playful and engaging activities for children and the handouts for parents make this book a valuable resource for clinicians working with young children impacted by divorce. I will use this book again and again.
--Pam Dyson, MA, LPC, RPT
Director, St. Louis Center for Play Therapy Training